*********************************************************** *********************************************************** ______ ___ / _____) _ / __) _ ( (____ _| |_ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _| |__ _| |_ \____ (_ _|____ |/ ___) ___)/ ___|____ (_ __|_ _) _____) )| |_/ ___ | | ( (___| | / ___ | | | | |_ (______/ \__)_____|_| \____)_| \_____| |_| \__) // Make sure we have Lua5.1 !! // When multiple Lua versions are present // We need to define lua version during cmake // And stratagus works probably with Lua 5.1 only // For the build's sake remove lua (5.3) and lua52 // pacman -R lua lua52 // Lets install a few dependencies // Assuming we already have the // GCC build environment in place # pacman -S cmake lua51 harfbuzz tolua++ libtheora libmikmod sdl2 sdl2_graphics sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_net sdl2_ttf sqlite libmng wget // I have uploaded the working sources to my repo // for others to replicate the build // Original location is https://launchpad.net/stratagus/+download // I have patched the source code so that it builds using GCC 8 and 9 // // Create a working directory STARCRAFT // Download stratagus sources and extract them mkdir $HOME/STARCRAFT cd $HOME/STARCRAFT wget gunzip stratagus_2.2.7.patched.tar.gz tar -xvf stratagus_2.2.7.patched.tar cd stratagus_2.2.7.patched mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j3 su # make install # exit // Lets download and compile stargus cd $HOME/STARCRAFT wget gunzip stargus_2.2.7.tar.gz tar -xvf stargus_2.2.7.tar cd stargus_2.2.7 mkdir build cd build CFLAGS="-isystem /usr/include/harfbuzz" CXXFLAGS="-isystem /usr/include/harfbuzz" cmake .. make -j3 su # make install # exit // Now we need to extract the stargus.tar data tarball and place it // in /usr/local/share/games/stratagus/ // I have included the Starcraft data since the extraction does not // work for me on aarch64 - it worked on x86_64 with startool // and I believe the game is offered for free from Blizzard anyway // Download the Starcraft Data file cd $HOME/STARCRAFT wget tar -xvf stargus.tar su # rm -rf /usr/local/share/games/stratagus/stargus // Copy or move the extracted stargus tarball here # cp -rv /home/user/STARCRAFT/stargus /usr/local/share/games/stratagus // Finally symlink the game binary # ln -s /usr/local/games/stargus /usr/local/bin/stargus # exit // Play the game stargus P.S Please note that on higher resolutions other than 800x600 the game crashes when building a fisrst structure .. It seems to be stable on 800x600 Also note that there might be occasinal crashes in certain maps Networked play seems to be working fine on LAN